NOVEMBER 13, 2024


A Summary

The career talk was based on the theme of “Networking and Professional Development.” The talk introduced various aspects of the construction industry to budding Quantity Surveying Students. The topics included; “ Emerging technologies in Construction” , “ Alternative Dispute Resolution”, “Quantity Surveyors Sacco”, “Demystifying Mental Health”, “ IQSK Publications”, “Personal Branding and Personal Image” and finally “ The Young Quantity Surveyors Forum”.

The speakers for the day were; Q.S Harriet Kariuki, Q.S Gyaviria Namulanda, Sheila Cheptoo, Dr. Catherine Muthoni, Q.S Barrack Ong`ondo, Q.S Adson Meme and A.Q.S Mercy Korir.

Table of Contents

1.       Introduction

2.       An Overview of the event

3.       Presentations and their Respective Speaker

1. Introduction

The IQSK joint student career talk is an annual career talk organized by IQSK for all its Quantity Surveying Students at both Undergraduate and Diploma level. The aim of the talk is to bring all Quantity Surveying students under one roof to provide them with an insight into what the industry requires of them.

The career talk also aims at providing a forum for the students to form networking connections not only with their peers, but also with industry professionals and leaders.


2. An Overview of the event

The event was held on the 13th of November 2024 from 10:00 am to 03:05am, at Taifa Hall at the University of Nairobi.

The talk was organized by IQSK through the Joint Student Council in collaboration with the Young Quantity Surveyors Forum (YQSF). The hosts were the University of Nairobi and Construction and Real Estate Students Association (CRESA).

In attendance were Quantity Surveying students from The University of Nairobi, Technical University of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Thika Technical Training Institute and Kiambu National Polytechnic.

3. Presentations and their Respective Speakers

The talk comprised of three sessions with a Health Break after the first two sessions. There were presentations in both sessions covered by designated speakers.


Session 1

Welcoming Address from the Event Convener and Opening Remarks from the guests and Hosts (1030hrs to 1100hrs)

Welcome Address (1030 to 1035 hrs.)

The event convener, Q.S Cynthia Mulaku, issued the welcoming address to all the guests and audience in attendance, officially marking the start of the event.

Opening Remarks (1035 to 1100hrs)

Opening remarks were issued by the following guests;

              Isaac Peter    -    Construction and Real Estate Students Association (CRESA) President

He welcomed the attendees to the event on behalf of the Construction and Real Estate Students Association (CRESA), the hosts of the event.

Winfred Murugi –   I.Q.S.K Student President, J.S.C Chairperson, Chairperson, C.R.E.S.A Q.S Chapter.

She welcomed the attendees and emphasized on the importance of students creating connections during the

Q.S Jordan Rabach  –  I.Q.S.K Registrar

              He delivered apologies from the IQSK President who was not able to attend the event.

Dr. John Obiero -   Chairman, Department of Environmental and Bio-systems engineering.

He delivered apologies from the Ag Vice Chancellor, UoN, Prof. Margaret Hutchinson who was unable to attend the event.

He welcomed the attendees to the University of Nairobi on behalf of the Vice Chancellor.

He discussed the steps the University is taking to ensure the University is delivering graduates who meet the industry requirements.

Some of the steps he mentioned were:

1.       Radical use of modern facilities and technologies

2.       collaboration with regulatory bodies

3.       Student exchange programs with other International Universities

4.       Scholarships at Masters level

5.        Quality Assurance reviews.


Session 2 – 1100hrs Onwards

M.C Kenga Thoya

Presentation 1: Emerging Technologies in Construction – 1110 to 1155hrs

Speaker: Q.S Harriet Kariuki

              Topic 1: Building Information Modelling (BIM) System

She shared a presentation on BIM. The presentation highlighted the different levels to BIM all the way from BIM 1D to BIM 10D.

She finished off with benefits of implementing the BIM system.

              Topic 2: 3D Printing, Robotics and Augmented Reality in Construction

Q.S Harriet shared on the implementation of 3D printing, Robotics and augmented reality in construction. This included the benefits of implementation of these technologies.

She provided an example of Kilifi Gardens Development where 3D printing was practiced for construction.

              Topic 3: Sustainable Construction Practices

The topic covered on energy-efficient design, green building materials, waste management and their associated benefits.

An example of the Strathmore Business School was cited as a sustainable building.

              Topic 4: Safety and Compliance

The topic dealt with Occupational health and Safety which included improved site safety, regulatory compliance and worker well-being; Environmental Regulation covering sustainable construction practices, renewable energy integration and Emission reduction strategies; and Quality Control which spans across automated monitoring, digital checklist and robotic inspection.

              Topic 5: Conclusion

The topic covered on Challenges to adoption of Technologies and Opportunities for the future.

The section covered case studies on the various topics covered as well as quote from Robert Greene.


Presentation 2: Alternative Dispute Resolution – 1200 to 1215hrs

Speaker: Q.S Gyavira Namulanda

The topic covered on alternative dispute resolution in the construction industry.

              Topic 1: Why choose A.D.R over litigation?

                             The question was answered with the following answers;

                                                                                 i.            Need to preserve reputation

                                                                               ii.            Need for privacy in dispute resolution

                                                                             iii.            The faster speed in dispute resolution compared to litigation

Topic 2: Types of A.D.R processes

The presentation provided Negotiation, Arbitration, Mediation and Adjudication as ADR methods.

              Topic 3: Arbitration

The presentation covered the arbitration process right from getting an arbiter to the making of the arbiter decision.

The presentation further delved into the procedure for venturing into the arbitration profession i.e.

i)                    Choosing a profession one is competent in.

ii)                   Undertaking a course in Arbitration

iii)                 Undergoing a pupillage phase under a registered arbiter.


This marked the end of the second session as the audience headed for a health break.



Session 3


Presentation 1: The Quantity Surveyors Sacco

Speaker: Sheila Cheptoo

 This was a brief session that introduced the Quantity Surveyors Sacco to the audience as well as the benefits of being a member of the Sacco.


Presentation 2: Demystifying Mental Health – 1300 to 1355hrs

Speaker: Dr. Catherine Muthoni

The speaker was a representative from Chiromo Hospital.

The presentation answered the questions on; what is mental Health? What is health (social, physical and mental aspects)?

The presentation further delved into;

                                 i.            Importance of sound mental health

                               ii.            Causes and impacts of sound mental health

                             iii.            Types of mental illness

                             iv.            Diagnosing of mental illness

                               v.            Management of mental illness

                             vi.            Individual intervention

                            vii.            Pursuing self-care

                          viii.            Barriers preventing people from seeking help

                              ix.            Ways to combat mental health stigma


Presentation 3: IQSK Publication – 1400 to 1415hrs

Speaker: Q.S Barrack Ong`ondo

The presentation focused on IQSK Standard forms of Contract;

                                 i.            Brief introduction on the IQSK publications.

                               ii.            The type of contracts published by IQSK – Sub-contract based contracts, labor- based contracts and main works contract.

                             iii.            Key benefits and features of these standard forms of contract.

                             iv.            Contract structure

                               v.            Summary of Contracts (i.e. type, recommended use and the key features)

                             vi.            Process for purchasing the contracts.


Presentation 4: Personal Branding and Professional Image – 1420 to 1445hrs

Speaker: Q.S Adson Meme

The presentation was focused on Building and Maintaining Professional Relationships in the construction industry for the students.

It answered questions on; what is Social Capital? How to get Social Capital?

It further dealt on the benefits of building good relations and connections at a young age with peers and senior professionals in the construction industry.


Presentation 5: Young Quantity Surveyors Forum – 1450 to 1500hrs

Speaker: A.Q.S Mercy Korir

The topics covered included are;

                                 i.            A brief history about the formation of YQSF

                               ii.            The aims of YQSF

                             iii.            Eligibility and the ways of joining YQSF

                             iv.            Benefits of joining YQSF


Session 5: Closing Remarks – 1505hrs

Guest: Q.S Janet Chirchir

Q.S Janet gave the closing remarks, officially marking the end of the session and allowing people to break for lunch.